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A Guide for
Our Patients

Welcome to the Patient Guide for Damai Service Hospital (HQ). Your well-being is our topmost priority. This guide aims to provide you with essential information to help you navigate through our hospital services with ease.

Guide for Accident
& Emergency Cases

Our Accident & Emergency (A&E) Patient's Guide serves as a comprehensive resource to help you understand what to expect when you or a loved one needs urgent medical care.

Guide for Covid-19 Care

Our Covid-19 Care Patient's Guide serves as a comprehensive resource to help you understand what to expect when you or a loved one are infected by the Covid-19 virus.

Guide to Insurance Panels & Third Party

Our Insurance Panels Patient's Guide serves as a comprehensive resource to help you understand what to expect during insurance & billing.

Guide for
Outpatient Admission

Navigating Your Journey to Health. This guide covers the key stages of registration, briefing, assessment, and verification to ensure a smooth and hassle-free outpatient admission process

Guide for our Price & Packages

At Damai Service Hospital (HQ), we provide transparent pricing structures, ensuring patients have a clear understanding of our medical packages and service rates.

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